Quick Start with Saiku

Welcome to Saiku! This quick start guide is designed to get you up and running with Saiku, whether you choose to integrate it into your project or use it as a standalone command in your terminal.

Option 1: Integrating Saiku into Your Project

If you’re looking to add Saiku as a part of your Node.js project, follow these simple steps:

1. Installation

Install Saiku as an npm package:

npm install saiku

2. Configuration

Set up your .env file with necessary environment variables like OPENAI_API_KEY.

3. Basic Usage

Import and initialize Saiku in your project:

import Agent from 'saiku/agents/agent';

const agent = new Agent();
// Use agent to interact with Saiku's functionalities

Refer to our Installation and Configuration pages for detailed instructions.

Option 2: Using Saiku as a Terminal Command

For quick tasks and automation, you can use Saiku directly in your terminal.

1. Global Installation

Install Saiku globally:

npm install -g saiku

2. Executing Commands

Use Saiku for various tasks right from your terminal. For example:

saiku "What's the weather like in Paris?"

For more on terminal usage, visit Using Saiku as a Terminal Command.

Whether integrating into your projects or utilizing Saiku’s command-line capabilities, you’re now set to explore the vast potential of this AI agent. For further details and advanced use cases, check out our User Guide.